Write For Us

Want to Write For Us?

Are you passionate about technology, tech innovation, and tech news? Do you have a talent for expressing ideas and sharing your thoughts? If so, we invite you to contribute to Its Falcon B. and be a part of our passionate community dedicated to exploring the ever-evolving world of technology.

Why Write for Us?

Share Your Expertise

At Its Falcon B., we believe that knowledge is powerful and meant to be shared to increase interest to upgrade the world. By contributing to our platform, you have the opportunity to showcase your expertise, experiences, and perspectives within the tech domain. Whether you’re a tech professional, a hobbyist, or an expert, your unique insights are priceless.

Reach a Global Audience

Our blog attracts a diverse readership from around the world, all experts to move into the latest tech trends, discover innovative breakthroughs, and stay informed about the fast-paced tech landscape. As a contributor, your work will reach a broad and engaged global audience.

Collaborate and Connect

Becoming a part of Its Falcon B. means joining a community of tech writers, creators, and readers. Engage with like-minded individuals, share ideas, and foster meaningful connections within the tech sphere. We value collaboration and believe in the power of collective knowledge.

Topics We Cover

We welcome a wide range of topics related to technology, tech innovation, and tech news. Here are the main areas we focus on:

Latest Tech Trends

Stay ahead of the curve by sharing updates on the latest technologies and trends that are shaping the tech industry. Write about developments, upcoming technologies, and their potential impact on society and business.

Innovations and Breakthroughs

Step into a world of tech innovations and breakthroughs. Discover how advanced technology is revolutionizing the fields of healthcare, finance, transportation, artificial intelligence, and more.

Product Reviews

Bringing our readers comprehensive and insightful reviews of tech gadgets, devices, software, apps, and other related products. Provide fair information to help consumers make informed decisions.

How-To Guides and Tutorials

Empower your users with step-by-step guides and tutorials on how to use technology effectively. Whether it’s troubleshooting, tweaking settings, or mastering a particular piece of software, our readers want practical guidance.

Opinion Pieces and Analysis

Contribute your unique viewpoint on current technological issues, controversies, and future predictions in the tech world. Present well-reasoned arguments and thoughtful analyses that provoke discussion and reflection.

Guidelines for Submission

Originality and Uniqueness

All submissions must be original, unique, and exclusive content added to Its Falcon B. We do not accept plagiarism or previously published content. Make sure your piece provides fresh insight and value to our readers.

Word Count and Structure

Essays should have a word count of 800 to 1500 to ensure a comprehensive research of the chosen topic. Organize your essay properly with an engaging introduction, an informative body of content, and a thorough conclusion.

Formatting and Style

Follow our formatting guidelines to increase the readability of your essay. Use clear headings, subheadings, bullet points, and images where appropriate. Maintain a professional yet engaging writing style that resonates with our audience.

Credibility and Sources

Maintain credibility by backing up your claims and statements with credible sources, research, or references. Make sure all figures, data, or quotations are properly attributed and linked to the original source.

Tone and Language

Maintain an informative conversational tone in your writing. Write in clear, concise English, avoiding terminology as much as possible. Aim to engage and fascinate our readers while effectively communicating your message.

How to Submit

Excited to contribute to Its Falcon B.? Here’s how you can get started:

Article Pitch: Send us a brief article sample outlining your proposed topic, angle, and key points.

Complete Article: If you already have a finished article, feel free to submit the entire piece.

Email your full article to [email protected] with the subject line “Article Submission – [your name]”. Our editorial team will review your submission and contact you within [response time] with feedback or next steps.

Join us to share the latest in technology, explore tech innovations, and stay informed about the ever-evolving tech landscape. We look forward to having you as a valued contributor to Its Falcon B.